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[MQ] IBM MQ 구성

by 미노드 2023. 4. 20.

IBM MQ는 다음 링크에서 다양한 내용을 확인할 수 있다.



IBM Documentation



내가 정리하자면 mq를 관리하는 툴 중에 하나가 IBM MQ이다.
메시지를 큐에 담아 다른 시스템으로 전송하는데 outtage를 없게하고 순차 처리를 보장하기위해 MQ를 사용한다.
내가아는 다른 툴로는 Active MQ가 있다.




Message properties

General pageThe following table lists the attributes on the General page of the Message properties dialog. Attribute Meaning MQMD form Position Read-only. The current position in the queue of the message. (Not applicable.) Message type Read-only. This is t




Mapping JMS fields onto IBM MQ fields (outgoing messages)

These tables show how JMS header and property fields are mapped into MQMD and MQRFH2 fields at send() or publish() time. Table 1 shows how the JMS header fields are mapped into MQMD/RFH2 fields at send() or publish() time. Table 2 shows how JMS properties




JMS message object properties

Message object properties prefixed JMS_IBM_MQMD allow you to set or read the corresponding MQMD field. Sending messagesAll MQMD fields except StrucId and Version are represented. These properties refer only to the MQMD fields; where a property occurs both




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